Hi, My money tree was repotted 2 weeks ago from 6'' to a 8'' pot. Some leaves have turned yellow and some leaves have brown tips and sides. At the same time, a few new ones are growing in. Am I underwatering or overwatering this plant? The soil seem to still be moist. The appearance over all..... some leaves are curling up, some are drooping down and some look just fine.
Has your plant been exposed to cold? Too much sunlight? Be sure your soil drains well, and that your plant never has soggy conditions. Could be transplant shock. ---Post a photo if you can! If you search on the Forum, you will find lots of postings about money trees (Pachira aquatica).
Hi, Thanks for the reply. I posted some pics. Please let me know what you think and what else I should do. The bottom of the pot does have holes for drainage.
Mine love shady, or a filtered light location. It kinda looks like sunburn to me? I dunno... What're the light conditions it's in? Have you moved it from one place to another lately? I've recently finally successfully propagated this plant... Several times in the past were failures, but now I've got a few 'little uns' laying around! :) I think I may trim some more now that I know it works... ~LCA.
Hi, The tree is still in the same spot, only difference is it was on a small table where it was at window level and now its on the floor. (Even when it was on that table, the leaves were getting brown tips....but now it seems more serious where some of the leaves turn yellowish and brown). I read a lot of mixed messages about the tree turning yellow and shriveled it is due to overwatering and if it curls up, turns brown and wrinkeling it is underwatered. However, my tree seems to have all of those symptoms...so I am just confused. Yea, the roots are taking a while to come out. But at least I see two of them coming out so I am happy about that.
These are VERY drought tolerant aswell. Try letting the soil dry. Real dry... :) And then cut back on your watering...
We used to have a money tree that lived quite long and we rarely watered it, so as LeftCoastAnglewr said, stop watering it for awhile. ;-)
My money tree is a mammoth, Ive had it for several years with no problems. Is it near a vent, do you mist it every week, do you let it dry out between waterings?? If you do prune it take the clippings and put it in dirt and keep the soil moist, then when it starts to put out several leaves let it dry out between waterings and youal have another plant "The smaller plant in the pictures". My money plant will go through a little shock "lose a couple leves" kinda like your plant. :)))
Thanks for the advice. I usually let it dry out, I guess I should dry it out a little bit more and then water and I don't mist the leaves...should I mist the leaves? (Doesn't misting the leaves cause it to curl or wrinkle?)
Misting its leves will make the color of the leves more like money. Overall yours looks fine "just going through the cycle" you can just pull those leves off and it will look better. I have not pruned my plant back at all "except when I was wondering what would happen if I took a piece of it and put it in dirt..... It made a new plant and it is growing fast." I dont think yours needs to be pruned back any "just let it keep chugging along". :)))
Who needs seeds?! Anyways, those plants are some of the toughest out there when it comes to drought, and a few lost leaves aren't gonna hurt anything. Maybe since they regrow from the leaves they lose them purposely to reproduce...?