We planted a lot of mondo grass last season and it does not seem to be doing well. After reading some of the posts about mondo grass, I do not think we dwarf mondo grass. I was hoping to get some feedback as to how to activiate the growth of this grass. I reside in Pennsylvania and the area where the grass is planted gets alot of sun. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
It usually does very well in sun or shade..maybe better without alot of afternoon sun. I find it hard to believe unless it dried out. Is it all green/black/variegated? The black is slower.
Hi thank you for your response - I found out that it is dwarf mondo and it is green but is really dried out. Is there a particular type of "plant" food other than miracle grow that I should use? T
Grasses in general like lots of nitrogen -- that's the first number in the usual plant-food formula, 10-10-10, or whatever. Miracle-Gro, as I recall, has a large percentage of the middle number, phosphorus, which is helpful to promote flowering. Fish emulsion is a good organic source of nitrogen, as are all types of manure. It sounds like you need to water regularly, especially while the grass is getting established.
I grow dwarf mondo in full sun in Maryland and found it took a couple of years before I saw much new growth. Newt
Thank you for your response. Did you have it planted in any particular type of fertilized soil? How often do you water? T
If it is newly planted just make sure it does not dry out. We surely have had enough rain here. I have never fertilized mine and it is a thick mat. Only thing that bothers it is long winters of ice covering it. Other than that it is very very easy. Mine is mostly in filtered sun but I have seen it in full sun.