I have just replanted my fortune tree into a large teracotta pot indoors. The plant seems to be doing well but there is a grey fuzz all over the pot which smells of damp. I would like to get rid of this for the smell but am more concerned about the damage it may do to the plant. Does anyone have any suggestions of what this is and how to get rid and prevent it coming back.
I'm not sure what a fortune tree is, or what soil conditions it likes.... Since terra cotta pots are porous, wet soil can seep to the outside keeping it damp. A few things that might help. Using a fast draining airy soil, using a pot with drain holes that is not much bigger then the plants root-ball, keeping the saucer under the pot dry, and keeping the soil dryer, or more dryer can help. If the fuzz is mold, rubbing the outside down with a weak solution of water and clorox should get rid of it, at least for a while, but if the conditions are right for it to come back, it will. The fuzz could also be from hard water use (minerals) or, from excess fertilizer.
I have had success with periodic spraying of a mild mix of bleach/water... then wipe away clean after 15 to 20 minutes... then repeat as often as necessary.... For how long is this pot wet/damp?