Moing peach tree

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by PoorOwner, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. PoorOwner

    PoorOwner Active Member 10 Years

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    Northern CA
    Moving a peach tree

    I am helping a friend move her peach tree as she is selling the house. The tree is about 7'-8' tall and 4' wide.

    Any tips to make this successful? I plan to cut about 1/3 to 1/2 off the tree to compensate for root loss.

    I know it is a bad time to move trees but we figure to give it a try anyway.
  2. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    San Joaquin Valley, California
    Re: Moving a peach tree

    We are not too warm yet to dig up and move a Fruit tree.
    Do not clip the tree until it is in its new home. Then you
    can clip back some top growth to force some root growth
    later after the tree gets over the shock of being abused.

    Start your digging about 2 feet away from the trunk in a
    circle. Dig straight down one foot all around and then
    then angle your next digs toward the center of the trunk
    from there. Ideally, what you want to do is get enough
    of the roots to sustain this tree in its new location. It is
    best to dig up the tree and transplant all in the same day.
    If I am doing the work I will have a 3 gallon bucket with
    me to mix in one fluid ounce of Vitamin B1 to every
    gallon of water to be applied after the tree has been set
    in its new site. After we have given the tree 3 gallons
    worth of solution we wait for the area to dry for an hour
    or two and then come back in and give the tree a good
    drink of water. Do not over water the tree the first day
    of the transplant. If you can do it wait for the ground to
    dry out before you again give it some water but you will
    want to give the tree in this weather in the 90's a quick
    drink twice a day for three days and then water the tree
    from then on when the ground appears dry afterwards.
    Wait about a week to 10 days before you even think of
    cutting back the top of the tree and then cut only if you
    have to, if you see signs of large amounts of die back
    starting from the tips of the branches towards the trunk.

    Peach trees are pretty adaptable. If we get enough root
    system to give the tree a chance to grow in its new home
    there should not be much of a problem that the tree will
    later respond and grow for us. The main limitation is
    that people will tend to want to overwater, super saturate,
    the tree for too long and too often after the transplant.
    We want to water in the transplanted tree well for a short
    while but we also want to give the roots a chance to breathe
    as well.

  3. PoorOwner

    PoorOwner Active Member 10 Years

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    Northern CA
    We moved the tree but not as big of a rootball as I wanted to get, about 2 ft across and not very deep rootball, a few big taproots were severed.

    The tree was clipped a foot or so by the realtor's yard team the day before the move without any consulting with the owner.

    The tree in the new spot but some leaves are yellowing and dropping. Initially was watered in with some superthrive because I didn't have time to go get the vitamin B1.

    The owner of the tree feels the urge to fertilize it but of course I told them not to. I think after some struggle and alot of leave drop the tree should be OK. When will it be appropriate to apply fertilizer again?
  4. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    San Joaquin Valley, California
    If the tree is to be pruned either before or after a
    transplant I prefer to have it done before the move
    is made.

    The tree will tell you when it is ready for fertilizer.
    When the leaves become turgid again and once the
    tree is pushing out new growth then you can fertilize
    it with a low level Nitrogen if need be, no more than
    a 6% N formulation for a granular fertilizer and a
    quarter to half strength for a liquid application such
    as MiracleGro.

    Some people will roll the dice and fertilize with
    Nitrogen soon after a transplant and can get lucky
    but the odds are that more people will not be so
    fortunate and will cause more harm than good.

    It might be best just to wait until December now
    to give this tree any Nitrogen with our warmer
    temperatures starting this week. If the tree has
    to be fertilized go with a Bandini brand 0-10-10
    that you or the owners can get at your nearby
    Home Depot. Apply about 1-1 ½ pounds of
    0-10-10 no less than 2’ in a circle from the base
    of the tree in about a month when the tree seems
    to have recovered from the initial shock of being
    transplanted. Right now settling in and adequate
    moisture but not over watering is most important
    for this tree.


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