That's hard to answer. Mock orange cultivars tend to be fragrant to some extent but the intensity is variable, some are only slightly fragrant.
hi - i am familiar with your town (Gibsons BC) and Philadelphus (Mock Orange) should do well in a forest-type garden - it is nice when combined with lilac. And around smaller rhodos - similar blooming time - then find an easy-care rose to fill-in underneath for some bloom later - columbine seeds itself too. ...and Axel is correct - diff sizes, habits, and scents. This also grows wild in the Okanagan Valley. i suggest that if you're wanting to plant one in your garden that you hustle along to the nursery at this time of year to test the scent and flower style while in bloom i have one here and it is about 10 feet tall, not very scented (darn) and blooms at this time of year.