What happened to the the thread requesting information on how to get a clivia to bloom? I believe it was started on Dec 3 in the Indoor and Greenhouse Plants forum.
It's a new kind of spam where old postings from other members are copied (thereby bypassing content filters) so that theoretically privileges can be elevated once a reputation has been made. A lot of work on the spammers part, frankly.
Interesting. I thought the question was similar to the one in the past but didn't notice that it was identical. Aren't such posts difficult to spot or is there an automated function to weed them out? (Answer only if it doesn't give away any secrets.)
It was identical--you may recall it had some very precise carriage returns. There were the two similar posts held in moderation this morning, different user but exact same spam pattern. There are other things I look for as well (there's a reason people have to put in their location when registering).