Here is another URL to pictures 22 Aug 2005. This marvellous plant flowers profusely late afternoon and early morning until the sun rises. They get bigger and bigger. URL to mirabilis 22 Aug 2005 URL to Mirabilis, Four O'Clocks I planted these in fiber pots in June, and when large enough placed in the ground. The seeds are relatively large, and almost all germinated. The growth is fast and the plants are over three feet high. They needed a little bamboo support, particularly after a heavy rainfall. I notice that the flowers open in late afternoon, and remain until bright sun closes them the next morning about 9 A.M. in my area , Southern Ontario. Many flowers and a lovely mixture. Durgan
This was my father's favourite flower. Durgan did you notice the wonderful jasmine-like scent? It is very nice and quite potent. (PS Durgan - I changed the name. The titles are only accessible to admin.)