I bought one of those cheap-o mini plants from Home Depot for 5$ last April. It was potted in that yucky glue stuff when I brought it home, so I immediately gave it a new, bigger, and deeper pot. It lost half of its four leaves, of course, from the shock, but the weather warmed up enough to take it outside. It has since rebounded, and has multiplied in size - very healthy, I think. I want to bring it in soon for the fall, but would like to know the best ways to prepare it to come in, i.e. de-bugging, and also watering cycle inside...? I have photos if needed.
Try not to let its face move in relation to the sun, if it spins, those new fronds will curl around on you, you'll be inclined to think you've done something nasty to it. When you bring it in try to give it simiar conditions to outside in relation to light, don't water quite as frequently hold off on feeding. (Unless the fronds aren't quite out yet?) Try and keep it away from the heaters.
Thank you for your swift response. Do you know of the easiest way I can get the bugs out of it? I saw somewhere else on the site someone advised sitting an entire pot in the sink for ten minutes... would that work for a (mini) sago? I've also heard to water them with a bit of Dawn dish soap for a couple of days..?
Well, drowning would work, I find those pillbugs everywhere, annoying things. You could probably go for some pesticide, but I'd just swamp the pot for a couple of minutes, then make sure you don't water for a few days. Someone else probably knows some cure all on bugs that I don't.
Sorry just realised I didn't comment on the bugs. We have so many pillbugs here, I generally don't worry about them, the plants seem fine. If its a plant that comes indide, I generally am a bit harsh, I yank the plant up, and repot it with new soil. I friend of mine told me once its really hard to kill a cycad (sago palm). I have a few inside, and some planted outside.
Ah! Thank you. Vino! It's covered in different old-fashioned wine advertisements, its real skinny, and deep, probly 10 inches tall. Has built in drainage, I think I bought it at a Wal-mart.
I am big on repotting, too. But, with this one the last time I did that to it, it was rather upset.. I will probly try that Dawn dish soap thing I heard about. http://www2.ville.montreal.qc.ca/jardin/en/info_verte/fiches/pesticides_nat.htm Will keep you posted!