hi can anyone tell me how to start a plant from my mother plant?, also why wont it bloom? it starts to get its buds but it just wont make it but they are large plants. Thaxs for any help. Tanji
"Mimosa" has different meanings in different parts of the world. In Europe (and the UK) it refers to Acacia dealbata and maybe other Australian Acacia spp. In America I think people use it for Albizia julibrissin. Neither of course is the true genus Mimosa (of c. 500 species!). Albizia is most easily propagated from seed. Cuttings can also be used but need bottom heat and I suspect the strike rate is low. It is said that root cuttings can be used.
If your mother plant is large enough and no one can offer any advice specific to your species of Mimosa then its time to start experimenting. It seems that either my method of sprouting Mimosa seeds, or maybe just the packet of seeds I bought weren't very good so I too want to take cuttings of the one I was given once it is big enough. I plant on taking a short cutting full of new growth and stripping the outter layer of bark off with a razor, dipping it in rooting hormone and putting it in a peat pellet with a humidity dome over it. Pretty simple, but sometimes simple works haha.