Sorry to post so many questions. We have had an amazing combination of weather and my list of "summer unknowns" is huge this year! 1.) I have been trying to grow milkweed from seed for years! Can someone confirm that I have succeeded!! 2.) Is this wild tobacco? Thank you!
not sure about wild tobacco have never grown it but the first pic does look a little like my giant milkweed have never seen a seedling so they may look a little different so it may be a different asclepias if its giant milkweed than the scientific name is Asclepias Calotropis have also seen it called crown flower i did an image search search of milkweed and it looks more like the one you have than the giant milkweed its called Asclepias syriaca i just did a google image search of asclepias theres allot of different types. the one that seems top be a more wild type is the a tuberosa it grows where it wants to but i let it because the monarchs prefer laying the eggs on those and they donot cost me anything
I'm pretty sure the Giant Milkweed mikeyinfla is referring to is Calotropis procera or gigantea neither of which would be hardy in NH. A. syriaca is good bet though. HTH Chris
Photo #1: Thank you both! I picked the seeds from a nearby native stand, which had pink flowers, so yes, I think it's the common milkweek! Appreciated!!
Photo 1: Milkweed ... Erik, that made me laugh! ... The monarchs love/need them during the short period we call "summer," something I'm sure that you in Wisconin can relate to! Photo 2: Currently checking to see if this could be Sweet Joe Pye Weed ...