Could you help me identify this flower species? The small flower in these photographs were taken at the end of August in Oakland County, Michigan. Thank you for your help.
Presumably you get to see these yearly. I just came across some taxonomic notes, if you can make any sense of them, which I can't do on my photos. From E-Flora BC Atlas Page 1. Achenes with beaks extending at right angles to the body, the beaks 0.5-1.5 mm long; bracts of the inflorescences egg-shaped, rounded or hooded at the tips, 5-10 (15) mm long; mature male and female flower stalks of equal length.............Sagittaria latifolia 1. Achenes with beaks erect, the beaks 0.2-0.4 mm long; bracts of the inflorescences lanceolate, long-pointed at the tips, (5) 10-30 mm long; mature male flower stalks longer than the female flower stalks.................Sagittaria cuneata
The bracts of the inflorescences are indeed egg-shaped, rounded or hooded at the tips (visible from the second photo), so indeed Sagittaria latifolia