Michelia Alba turning brown

Discussion in 'Magnoliaceae' started by ktran, Jul 4, 2006.

  1. ktran

    ktran Member

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    Pasadena, ca
    Hi All,

    I'm new to the forum, just wondering I purchased a Michelia Alba about 8 ft tall about a month ago, it was nice and green. However, I repotted from a 15 gal to a 40 gallon (I think) pot. I added some top soil to the pot and placed the plant into it.

    Now, the leaves are turning brown and yellow and the leaves are dropping daily. I'm worried, since i paid so much for the plant. The plant is placed on the north side of my house and does not get direct sunlight, however it's tall even to get constant light on the tip of the plant. I water it ever other daily. Please advise on what i should do about the plant? I enjoy the smell of the flowers and do not want it to die.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    According to my research, this tree (now named Magnolia x alba) prefers morning sun with limited or shaded afternoon sun, a warm humid environment, protection from strong wind, and a rich, well-drained acid soil. There's much detailed information to be found in this document.

    From your description I hazard to guess the tree is suffering from root rot. The new container is much larger than the old and water is being applied every other day. The soil is probably too wet. If this was my tree I would transplant it to a smaller container using the proper medium. Hopefully magnolia experts in this forum can offer their diagnosis and advice. This wonderful tree is definitely worth saving. Good luck.
  3. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Or the new location is just too cold and dark. When roots rot from overwatering, it is regardless of pot size. Some commercal growers routinely plant liners into 5 gallon pots, these do not suffer because the new pot is considerably larger than the old. Likewise, when container-grown plants are set out in their final positions in the ground they do not get too wet because the Earth is much bigger than the pot they were in.

    Another vote for understanding that your plant is a tropical forest tree, liking warmth, humidity and brightness, and that it sounds like the situation you have placed it in is too cold and dark, resulting in it rotting. Moved to a better situation it may perhaps bounce back, but it is also possible it is too far gone already.
  4. EngelsTang

    EngelsTang Member

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    Irvine, CA
    Hi KTran,

    Did you Michelia Alba survive? I bought a 5" pot about 3 months ago and it has been turning brown and dropping leaves ever since. It has 3 leaves left and I am sure all will be gone in several days. I want to know if your survive after dropping most of the leaves.

    The owner of the nursery I got the plant from told me it need full sun and treat it like a Rose plant. That's what I did. After reading more about the plant and I realized that it CANNOT handle full sun. I think it is why dieing. I live in So. CA and it has bee VERY HOT. I have moved to a morning sun area under several tree. I hope it will survive.
  5. maomao

    maomao Member

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    S. Ca, USA
    Hi Ktran and EngelsTang,

    How are your Michelia Alba?

    I got one last year, and leave it in 5 Gal pot. I think I am going to keep it in same pot this year (can only grow it in pot). However, the leaves start getting yellower. The edge and some middle of the leaves, it gets brown (like burned). I tried not watering for about a week (only spry mist every morning on leaves), but still not seeing any improvement.

    Any suggestion what to do next to keep the plant healthy, and bloom more flowers this summer?

    Thanks in advance.

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