Yes I know, yet another question about a Meyer Lemon, sorry, but I've never quite been able to pin this down. I brought my ML inside near the end of summer when the indoor outdoor temps were getting pretty equalized to avoid the leaf drop and shock (seems to have worked perfectly) and I have them on a rack under dual T5 fluorescent grow lights (very bright) and almost touching since my rack can't go very high. I have a timer set up and initially went for a 12 hour "day" 8am to 8pm but I can find no information on what would be ideal. I know they need some darkness but there should be some sort of really ideal balance and day length. Some sources claim 15 hours, some say the length of the day outside (which, being in Canada doesn't make much sense since the days are getting pretty short), others say 22 hours. I also have palms, a mango, avocado, fatsia japonica seedlings, a passion flower vine, almost a dozen ML cuttings, black and blonde cherry tomato seedlings, bamboo seedlings and various salad greens and culinary herbs sharing the timer but I could always buy another timer I guess if the needs vary wildly. Any advice appreciated.
When I light my citrus trees, I keep the light on until 10:00 PM each night. Mostly because I am going to bed around 10:00. That makes a 15 hour light day. - Millet
I run mine, 9 am they turn on and run till to 11pm or 12 midnight if i remember to turn off at bed time, or they go off automaticaly at 1am if i forget , so thats about 15 hours here as well, in the summer i run longer on my inside trees , from about 6 or 7 in the morning, as its light outside anyway