Hi all!!! I received a Meyer Lemon Tree as a present last July and it had about 12 fruits on it. I am not sure how old my tree is but it is now around 1 3/4 to 2 ft tall. I planted it in the garden but then realized that I had to bring it in for the winter. The temp drops below 32F in memphis, so now my tree is in a big pot inside the house. I think my tree is healthy as it grew, has new leaves and is now blossoming. it has lots of flowers but still early to tell if any fruit will hold. So I am a bit anxious and want to make sure I am doing the right stuff to keep the fruits. A few questions: Do I need to fertilize it? I repotted it in early Dec but never changed soil or added any fertilizer since. If so, what kind of fertilizer? I am starting to loose some leaves and flowers are falling. Is this normal during blossoming process? I am starting to see a little bit of browning at the tips of some leaves-- is there a problem there??? the pH of my soil is around 7--is this OK??? I look forward to your replies!!! Many Thanks
Why did you repot and never changed the soil? I am starting to loose some leaves and flowers are falling. Is this normal during blossoming process? ...... Flowers yes. Leaves No. I am starting to see a little bit of browning at the tips of some leaves-- is there a problem there??? Yes flush your container with fresh water sault build up.'' the pH of my soil is around 7--is this OK???. Depends on the kind of tester you are using.
Thanks Isaac for your reply. I changed the soil when I repotted, that was in early December- but it has been in the same soil and pot since. So how do I flush my pot? should I let lots of water run through? is that Ok for the tree?? Thanks!
"Do I need to fertilize it? I repotted it in early Dec but never changed soil or added any fertilizer since. If so, what kind of fertilizer?" Citrus use fertilizer in the ratio of 5-1-3 NPK, but it is difficult to find that exact ratio. They also need trace minerals. Citrus are heavy feeders and should be fertilized regularly,-- you can do that several ways, but I prefer slow release fertilizers with trace minerals like Osmocote or Dynamite--there are some formulations that are close to the 5-1-3 ratio like 19-6-12. Be aware that you use slow release fertilizers according to container size not tree size--directions should be on the container. Skeet