Meyer Lemon Problems

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by msabins, Jul 16, 2009.

  1. msabins

    msabins Member

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    Auburn Ca USA
    I have a Meyer lemon that I put in the ground last year after having it in a container for 3yrs. It looks great. Thick bushy dark green leaves and it had a ton of blossoms. Here is the problem: the lemons start to form, but they get to about the size of a lemon seed and then turn black and fall off. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Millet

    Millet Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Denver,Colorado USA
    This could be normal. How large is this tree? What percent of the fruit turn black and fall from the tree? What percent of fruit remain on the tree. Normally a citrus tree will only retain 1-3 percent of the fruitlets originally set, and bring them to maturity. How often do you fertilize the tree, and what fertilizer formulation are you using? - Millet (1,277-)

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