I have two dwarf meyer lemon trees. One tree has healthy leaves and is growing fine, but has never flowered. The other tree flowers and sets fruit, but they don't grow very large before they drop off. I contribute the fruit dropping to my inexperience with the meyer lemon, and hope this forum will have a lot of posts that can help. I can't find anything mentioning folded leaves. All the leaves on one plant are folded. The tree loses leaves from time to time, and this one lost all of its leaves early this year. All of the leaves came back, but they are folded, with some turning yellow and dropping. I water when the soil is dry on top, and fertilize monthly with a fertilizer that says it is for citrus. I found some little balls of something in the soil. They are yellowish and translucent. When I break them, a liquid emerges. I remove all of these that I can. What am I doing wrong?
I am new to citrus, so I can't help much with the tree problem. The little yellow balls are probably controlled release fertilizer balls. They may have even been added to the soil at the nursery before you got the trees.
The trees were bare root trees that I potted several years ago. I never used this kind of fertilizer.
Then I suppose the balls are some kind of eggs, but I do not think they are the source of your problem. Do the folded leaves have any sign of leafminer trails? If not it may be water problems. You should review the thread started by Angel, especially some of the post by Dr Shep.
Nope, no signs of leafminers. The leaves look good except for being folded in half along the center vein. I crushed some of the balls and they were filled with a liquid. I'm thinking of repotting them into some sterilized soil, although I don't like to sterilize.
I had this problem on one of my trees, the leaves folding anmd looking a bit limp. It wasn't the heat or lack of water... when I uprooted the tree I noted the roots were in bad condition showing that they were over watered. Trimmed the roots up, trimmed a bit of the top to compensate and now the tree is doing great so I'd check the roots