Meyer Lemon leaves curl, yellow, no blossoms

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by Travis78, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. Travis78

    Travis78 Member

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    Pacific Grove, CA USA
    Trying to figure out if my lemon tree has serious issues, or is just moody, or maybe I just need to be more patient! I have read through a number of the posts, but haven't seen anybody with the combination of issues I have.

    The tree seems to have a little of everything going on: some leaves are yellow, or yellow-brown. Some leaves are perfectly healthy. Some leaves look healthy but are shriveled. Some of any of the above will look like they have been eaten(usually from the outside edges. It goes through periods where it will sprout new leaves, but those tend to shortly thereafter wrinkle or shrivel up a good bit, and then get "eaten" around the edges. I have never found any trace (that I can see) of bug infestation anywhere on the tree, however. It doesn't really blossom either. Maybe a few each year. Overall, it has been growing in size - I'd say much more since it has been in the ground. Last year my entire crop of 1 lemon got stolen :(

    My wife got this lemon tree for my birthday nearly five years ago. We kept it indoors in a pot for the first 3 1/2 years and it produced a few lemons each year. The last 1 1/2 years it has been in the ground outside. The tree has probably doubled in size or a little more in the past five years. It was kind of the runt of the litter at the garden store at the time. I just didn't want to give up on it.

    We are in Pacific Grove, CA about 1 1/2 hours south of San Francisco on the coast. The natural soil in the area is a sandy loam if I recall the geologist that came out once. Of course in the planting beds we amended some potting soil, etc. about three years ago. I first started using some Schultz citrus and tropical slow release plant food 10-4-10. Then I got some advice to use GreenAll FST Iron and sulfer every six months or so to help stop yellowing. For a while a tried using some miracle grow also. Right now we have the planting bed covered with small bark. We have it set up as part of our drip irrigation system which gets run every week or two at which point it probably gets about two or three gallons of water in the area of the plant.

    Based on other things I have read, I am wondering if the bark covering the soil is not good for the tree. I am guessing it is not under stress since it is not blossoming? I have posted our average temps and rainfalls below. We get fog in the area and have a fair amount of overcast days, but we also get sun!

    I have attached some pictures. The one picture with the yellowish leaf and reddish spots - those spots are not things attached to the leaves, it just seems to be the leaf discoloring.

    Thanks for any thoughts,

    Normal Climate
    Normal Temperatures
    (MONTEREY Weather station, 2.62 miles from Pacific Grove)
    Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
    Max °F 59.8 61.4 61.9 64.1 64.6 66.9 68.1 69.5 71.4 69.9 64.2 59.7 65.1
    Mean °F 51.6 53.1 53.8 55.4 56.6 58.7 60.2 61.4 62.3 60.4 55.5 51.5 56.7
    Min °F 43.4 44.7 45.7 46.6 48.5 50.4 52.3 53.2 53.1 50.9 46.7 43.2 48.2
    Normal Precipitation
    (MONTEREY Weather station, 2.62 miles from Pacific Grove)
    Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
    Inch 4.19 3.75 3.53 1.48 0.50 0.20 0.09 0.11 0.28 1.06 2.43 2.73 20.35

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