meyer lemon green leaves drop

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by kathryn a hanifin, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. kathryn a hanifin

    kathryn a hanifin Member

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    murrells inlet, sc usa
    I am a new member. I have read many subscribers info on drop leaves and as yet have ot found anyone listing some f the problems I have. Please advise or help.

    I live in Myrtle Beach SC. I have a lemon tree that produced about a dozen lemons last year. First time in two years. Due to changing weather conditions for spring I took the lemon tree that had been covered and in the corner of my patio and placed it near my back yard. This tree is in a container and has never been in the house.
    About two weeks ago I noted healthy looking leaves and blossoms developing. All of a sudden, I noted the leaves dropping, some younger leaves curling and the tips of the leaves as well as some new growth browning up. I am uncertain if this is wintering changes, or a fungus or a type of rot as I did water the plant and it was in direct sun. This Tree when purchased was newly planted with fresh soil and given citrus fertilizer last year. This year I added new Vigro citrus fertilizerstakes. Now I am uncertain whether the lemon tree is rotting, if I need to change the soil and check for rotting roots or if I should just be patient and wait. I also have a lime tree that is near it and very healthywith lots of blossoms. I am a novice at trying to grow these citrus treesand would appreciate any advise offered. Please help. Kay
  2. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Austin, Tx
    Welcome to the forum.

    Please post an image to the forum. You'll generally get
    much better advice when we can see the issues first hand.

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