The first 10 are of the big trees at the Missouri Botanical Gardens (You can google for more pics of their impressive grove. 11th is of mine in 04, #12 is mine 04/17/10. Last is of a 'Gold Rush' I saw in Kansas City. After seeing that tree I had to order one for myself too. Just can't find a picture and its dark outside now lol. Wow, now that I think about it, how many other trees has MOBOT dedicated that much space to a mass planting of?
The trunks are my favorite characteristic of Dawn Redwood. I think the grove planting of 3 or more would be more appealing to my taste than a single specimen.
Hi Vaden, thanks for all your wonderful Redwood posts on that 'other site'. I've got a small (10) grove planting of Metasequoia here. I just planted them last year, though... They grow like weeds in Illinois. It's easy to see 5 feet on a second year seedling-grown, specimen. Later, Dax
Here are some Dawn Redwoods mentioned in Gerald Straley's Trees of Vancouver, on the west side of Arbutus between 30th and 32nd. I didn't stop to check, but it looks like these are planted on several blocks farther north on that street as well. Metasequoia glyptostroboides was featured in POTD on August 19, 2010. Here's the link:
These photos are from the Old Arboretum at UBC. What are we looking at here? Are the little dot things next year's leaves?
In the picture on the right that sure does look like leaf buds. The one on the left a combination of flowers and cones. Nice shot of Metasequoia limbed up and making a good street tree also. My regular Dawn Redwood is just beginning to show some hint of fall color. My younger Ogon is still happily growing. Hope a quick frost doesnt come up and kill some top growth. The Ogon (aka gold rush) has put on about a meter this year. Thought it would be slower
In the first pic, pollen cones and (the round green item near the top) a single seed cone. In the second pic, foliage buds.
My metasequoias changing leaf color (sorry not the best pictures). These two started from seeds by me. I will have to decide to separate them.
Here is another stretch of Metasequoia glyptostroboides street trees in Vancouver, these on Kerr Street from 41st to 45th. The ones from 43rd to 45th are on a very narrow boulevard, not much wider than the base of the trees now. These are around 30 years old. On the blocks to the north, the boulevard is considerably wider, and the trees are larger. I was on a guided walk, but I'm not sure I understood correctly if the ones to the north were planted later, with deliberate attention given to a more appropriate boulevard width. The city is not planning to use these as street trees again.
From the grove of Metasequoia glyptostroboides in Stanley Park between the seawall and the Aquarium, this tree had the best autumn colour yesterday.