Hi there, I'm new to this list but I was interested in finding out about the plant identification machine that UBC uses for engraving metal tags for plant identification. Is there a brand name of this machine? Any info about this would be most appreciated since we would like to have a look at getting one for ourselves. Thanks Jeff Irwin The Butchart Gardens
Engraver information Hello Jeff Irwin, The machine we use here at UBC Botanical Garden is the Epilog Legend Model 6000 (12 x 26 table bed, at 25 Watts) and was sold by Epilog Laser (www.epioglaser.com). I do not think they sell this model anymore but you can go to their web site and find that the local B.C. distributor is Engravers Express (www.engraversexpress.com) and they should be able to help you with the new models. If you have anymore questions, please feel free to contact me at UBC Botanical Gardens. Linda Jennings Accession Technician lindapj@netinfo.ubc.ca