I have some watermelons (New Queen), some Spagetti Squash and Pumpkins growing in my garden. We are looking at a chance of frost for tonight and I'm wondering how frost tolerant this things are. I'm not sure if they are ripe yet and I would like to leave them out as long as possible.
Well, it is recommended to cover already-picked pumpkins (the ones left to cure outside) if there is danger of frost, so I imagine you'll want to do the same for all of these veggies still on the vine.
If possible cover the entire patch with poly...just lay it on top....cover your fruit with a blanket. If you have mature pumpkins that you want to keep and cure for Halloween etc I would suggest cutting them off and washing with a dilute bleach solution..then put them in a dark, dry, well ventilated area such as a garage..Most curcubits will last well through Halloween this way or even into December. Good Luck!
Sorry, forgot to add the area for storage should also be quite cool. Don't put them inside your house. Hope this was helpful!