Hi, I'm trying to find out if mealybugs attack the following plants: 1. Ocimum basilicum 2. Mentha piperita 3. Lavandula officinalis 4. Geranium macrorrhizum 5. Aloysia citrodora 6. Melissa officinalis
Then again, Mexico is much warmer than British Columbia's maritime climate, so yes, you may experience the wrath of the mealy bug, big time!
Virtually any plant is susceptible to mealy bug as a concern, especially when stressed. But I am not an expert. Are you addressing this matter in regards to a humid or arid climate zone? Warmth and moisture are likely a concern...
The thing is that I'm testing some plant extracts as mealybug deterrents, this due to the vineyard infestation with vine mealybugs (VMB) in my state and around the world. My region is arid, is the Sonora Desert to be specific. The VMB has adapted to this climate and has being doing some damages to this cultivar since 2002. First I worked with a fungus, but there where no satisfactory results, now I turned my eyes to plant extract trying to find something that could, organically speaking, prevent more infestations! There are few or none papers about mealybug deterrents, and that makes it more difficult! that is why I'm asking in this forum...
There are sprays available for mealy bugs, called Jungle Juice.. also an alcohol mixture would also work... google them...
From what I have seen in most organic mixes is that they are often based with chili or garlic. Tobacco in the form of soaked cigarette butts in water then using the water as a foliar spray is supposedly effective too. All of these are more a deterrent than a cure though. Pyrethrum is a natural plant derived insecticide but it has not got great strength and it's not viable in a farm situation. I've often thought likewise with the likes of Euphorbia and others with poisonous sap yet I have seen certain grubs chew away at them with no side effects! It would be interesting to hear what outcome you may end up with.