I'm hoping someone will know the name of these Cryptomeria japonica cultivars. Possible names are 'Compacta' (a.k.a. 'Lobbii Compacta') and 'Giokumo'. Unfortunately, the Internet descriptions for 'Giokumo' range from pyramidal to dwarf to "wider than tall," so I'm a bit dubious of that, and the only description of 'Compacta' I read describes the plant as growing to 4 m tall at 40 cm wide. Hmm. The two plants pictured are originally from the Gordon Bentham conifer collection donated to the Botanical Garden between 1978 and 1989. One (at 25') is somewhat narrower and tighter than the other (at 18'), but both are dense and conical and neither has ever produced cones. I suspect that they were originally thought to be dwarfs, and probably ate their labels soon after they were planted. In any case, our records from 25 years ago are less than perfect, and these plants have been unknowns for many years. I'd certainly appreciate if someone can set us right with these superb plants.
Possibly you could get some suggestions from B. Fincham, who has contact information on his Coenosium Gardens web pages - if you don't have it already.