Here's the biggest of the little flowers - x Sorbaronia alpina [corrected spelling], at the very end of the North Garden. This is a great-looking tree. Two large-leaved sorbus - Sorbus hemsleyi and Sorbus Meliosmifolia. Viburnum davidii, still with blue fruits and new white flowers White and pink Staphylea - Staphylea trifolia and Staphylea holocarpa var. rosea Zanthoxylum piperatum I was surprised to see flowers on the Colletia hystrix 'Rosea', since I thought its blooming time was September. It's not exactly covered in flowers, but still. Here's a fern, for no reason related to this posting, except it's in the garden and I liked it, Dryopteris wallichiana. And also for no reason, an easter egg Nadia made, with a botanical theme (Liriodendron).