May 2019 in the Garden - maples, forked-branched group

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, May 7, 2019.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Mostly one maple this month - Acer campbellii, but Douglas Justice has a lot to say about it - see the Garden Blog at May 2019 in the Garden | UBC Botanical Garden. Here is one at Upper Asian Way and Kingdon Ward Way. I'm starting to get what is meant by the forked branching that is the result of the paired terminal overwintering buds, think that's evident in the second photo.
    Acer-campbellii_UBCBG_Cutler_20190506_135721.jpg Acer-campbellii_UBCBG_Cutler_20190506_135905.jpg Acer-campbellii_UBCBG_Cutler_20190506_135932.jpg

    Here is another mentioned in that group, Acer japonicum, on the north side of Upper Asian Way at Kingdon Ward. I think this photo also demonstrates the forked branching.

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