I have a beautiful mature cedar hedge at the back line of my property that up until two years ago was lush, thick, and about 12 feet high. Over the past few years, neighbour's trees have grown over our property creating more shade and crowding against and over the hedge. I have noticed that the cedars are now thinning with gaps and spaces between each cedar. I have trimmed the cedars lightly keeping the bottom wide. However, the bottom of a few cedars are becoming strip bare. Any thoughts on actions and care that is appropriate to return the hedge to its lush and full condition?
They need sunlight. Perhaps your city has a bylaw that states that the neighbor is responsible for pruning any branches encroaching onto your property?
David. Thank you for your reply. Through further search on the forum, it appears that my hedge is possibly a Lawson's Cypresses - a common mistake apparently. However, I imagine the same holds true that the hedge is not getting enough sun. I will check with city bylaws.