Mason Bees Posted on May 13, 2018 by Durgan After spending some time browsing for a Mason Bee house this is the best found. I have ordered one, since I desire to go into mason bee production. The price is reasonable, and the construction appears to be well thought out. This is my first effort in producing bees. A lot of reading separating the essence from the chaff. Spring Reusable Wood Trays for Mason Bees - 48-Hole
14 May 2018 Garden clay for Mason Bees Posted on May 14, 2018 by Durgan 14 May 2018 Garden clay for Mason Bees14 May 2018 Garden clay for Mason Bees Expect my mason bee house this week, so am preparing for setting up. The bees require clay for nest building. That I have in abundance so dug some clean stuff and stored it in a half liter jar. I will put some daily in the vicinity of their nest in a shallow tray.