First posting in 2008 Date - Wednesday March 12th Location - Osler Street between Park Drive and 59th Avenue Cherry Tree Type - Prunus Akebono Status - Many buds are about to burst open Note - Vancouver Parks Board has alternated cherry and plum trees in this block (see my post in Plums) 3 newer cherry trees on Osler between 64th and 59th Avenue have Vancouver Parks Board labels "Prunus Akebono 2007" ... 2 trees "Pyreak 70 Prunus Akebono 7cm" ... 1 tree
Date - Monday March 17th Location - Osler Street between 64th and 59th Avenue Cherry Tree Type - Prunus Akebono I don't know if the cool, wet weather is responsible, but there has been no change in the Akbono cherry trees that I have seen in Marpole in the past 5 days.
Date - Monday March 18th Cherry Tree Type - Prunus Akebono Location: Osler Street - 64th to 59th Avenue ... late stages of budding Heather Street - 54th -50th Aveue ... just starting to bud ... very early stages 61st Avenue just west of Heather Street ... mid stages of budding 64th Avenue just west of Heather Street ... mid stages of budding Cherry Tree Type - Whitcomb - Spreading Crown - Pink Flowers - Inforescences very crowded Location: 59th near Fremlin ... entrance to MOCC parking lot ... 4 trees Status: blossoms emerging ... some have fully bloomed.
Date - March 27, 2008 Cherry Tree Type - Accolade Location - Corner of 58th Avenue & Adera As yet this is the only city planted Accolade that I have been able to find in the Marpole area. Still mainly in budding stage with some flowers having bloomed.
Date - March 27, 2008 Marpole Favorite - Umineko Location - Oak St. west side from West 70 to 71 Ave. Status - only a very few blossoms out so far.
Date - March 27, 2008 Cherry Tree Type - Akebono Location - 64th Avenue between Cartier and French Streets Status - about half of the blossoms are in bloom This is a particularly beautiful street once all the blossoms are out.
Date - Monday March 31st Location - Osler Street between 64th and 59th Avenue Cherry Tree Type - Prunus Akebono Status - Still mainly in the budding stage Only a very few blossoms have started to emerge. Looks like at least another week before these tree will be in flower. Maybe the next few sunny days will help!
Marpole (70th W. of Granville) unnamed beauty I could not pass by these 3 apple-blossom-coloured beauties on 70th West of Granville. The shape and colouring resembles the photo of Mikuruma-Gaeshi p18 in Douglas Justice's book, but the flower size is only 3cm, and the few small leaves are green, not coppery. About 50% open on April 1.
Re: Marpole - unnamed beauty Re: unnamed beauty, they do look quite pink and double-ish; on the other hand, they look quite similar to my Akebono photo in this post from the north side of False Creek (all the same tree, middle photo is the one that I think looks so similar). And there seem to be staminodes in the unnamed beauty blossoms. So, Akebono?
Date - Tuesday April 1st Cherry Tree Type - [Edited by wcutler 2011dec27] 'Somei-yoshino' Status - Partial blooming Location: 68th west of Ash for 1/2 block 64th Ash to Heather
Date - Tuesday April 1st Cherry Tree Type - Whitcomb Status - Partial blooming Location - 67th & Heather
Date - Tuesday April 1st Marpole Favorite - Umineko ... Favorite Location - Oak St. west side from West 70 to 71 Ave. Status - update ... many blossom are now emerging
* Fnished - Umineko - Marpole, Oak St between 70th and 71st There are not many Umineko cherries in Vancouver. This one is a Festival Favourite for 2008 and it's ahead of an Umineko in the West End.
Re: Marpole (70th W. of Granville) unnamed beauty I checked those 3 trees this afternoon ... April 2 ... I concur with Wendy ... I think they are Akebono cherries. 1. the blossoms are "pale pink fading to milk white" 2. there are "individual flowers with 5 petals" 2. there is evidence of the "occasional extra petal or staminode-incomplete petal-common in 'Akebono'"
Locations: 68th west of Ash for 1/2 block 64th Ash to Heather Most of the cherry trees on 68 Ave. are Somei-yoshino Most of the cherry trees on 64 Ave. are Akebono except for one Somei-yoshino (see attached photos with pale pink flowers)
Marpole - Somei-yoshino on W. 68th Thanks Joseph and Bob for posting about this beautiful street planting of Somei-yoshino on W. 68th. Here's a couple of photos from April 5.
Re: Umineko - Marpole, Oak St between 70th and 71st The Uminekos (posted earlier by Bob in Marpole neighborhood) are now close to peak bloom, looking bright even on a rainy Saturday April 5.
Marpole - formerly unnamed Akebobos on 70th at Granville Now that the flowers are fully open, their apple-blossom colouring (see April 1 posting below) has changed to a lighter pink colour more recognizable as Akebonos (and they do have staminodes, as detail picture shows)
Marpole - Pendula on 68th A beautiful Pendula at 712 W. 68th, in the same block full of Somei-yoshino.
Date - April 8, 2008 Marpole Favorite - Umineko Location - Oak St. west side from West 70 to 71 Ave. Status - full bloom There are 3 widely spaced Umineko trees on this property which are separated by evergreens so it is impossible to get a good photo of all 3. One of the trees has several branches devoid of any blossoms or leaves.
Date: April 8, 2008 Cherry Tree Type: Somei-Yoshino Status: Full Bloom Location: Corner of Hudson Street & 71st Avenue
Date: April 9, 2008 Cherry Tree Type: Akebono Status: 75-90% (the trees closest to French Street are the closest to full bloom) Location: West 64th Avenue from Cartier to French Street [edited by wcutler 20090721: the third photo in the first row and the one with the ruler look like they're from the one Somei-yoshino on that block.] More photos on Flickr (Marpole and Akebono sets)
Date: April 9, 2008 Cherry Tree Type: Akebono Status: 50-60% in bloom Location: Osler between West 64th Avenue and Park Drive Location: Osler between Park Drive and 59th Avenue Note: there is a mix of plums and cherries on this street
Date: April 10, 2008 Location: West 68th between Heather & Ash Street Cherry Tree Type: Somei-yoshino Status: Full Bloom
Date: April 10, 2008 Location: West 64th Avenue between Ash & Heather Street Cherry Tree Type: Akebono Status: Near Full Bloom [edited by wcutler 20090721: the blossom photo seems to be from the one Somei-yoshino on the block]