I'm sure I've posted all these before, but it's time to come see them now. My favourite: Camellia japonica 'Kingyo-tsubaki', fishtail camellia. How cute is this! I was excited last year to find two of these around five blocks from where I live. Camellia japonica 'Okan' - very colourful. Camellia lutchuensis var. lutchuensis. Such a sweet flower with tiny little pink markings that make it very appealing.
'Kingyo-tsubaki' means "goldfish-leaved camellia". The cultivar dates from 1789. 'Okan', also of Japanese origin is much more recent - 1982. C. lutchuensis has a good fragrance, have you sampled it?
I thought it did, but wasn't sure I remembered correctly. I haven't been able to record fragrance yet on my cameras.