Pretty stuff! Just so you know, and for the record, 'Skeleton Reach' is a synonym for 'Sweet Lucile'. It was named by Crispin Silva for Lucile Whitman, who (embarrassed I guess) sold it as Skeleton Reach. (Source, Mr Maple). -E
Oops, you're right ! 'Ukigumo' is one I had planned to buy, but I finally didn't for lack of space...
Whether you call it Asahi zuru or Orido nishiki, it's a wonderful cultivar The close up is gorgeous R.
Gorgeous weather today : about 16°C and sunny patches, no wind, the ideal weather to have a walk in "Arboretum des Grandes Bruyères". Once again, I took photos of a tree labelled "Acer sieboldianum". I think it's mislabelled, can you confirm this, because if it, is I'll mail them : Two photos of the same tree, October 2023 :
Back home. My first 'Beni hagoromo', less colourful than nr: 2 : Hundreds of flowers on my 'O-sakazuki' : A lot of reverted leaves on my 'Beni komachi' : I repotted some seedlings from 2020, seeds from ans "Dissectum atropurpureum". No wonder they're all different, but the one with yellow tones in spring (it turns green in summer) is really surprising : Another one, more dissected :
Thanks Derek - I'm not sure whether they are the same cultivar..some threads suggest they are different and some suggest they are one and the same. I have a 2.5m one of each and they look slightly different but that might be down to other factors . The one I have labeled Orido nishik has amazing multi coloured bark, greens, and splashes of pink as if someone painted it on with a bush in swirls..the Asahi zuru bark is not quite as dramatic
Grrr, was in Paris all day. Yeah, the weather was nice. Grump. Certainly not A. sieboldianum, because shoots on sieboldianum (and even most hybrids) are always heavily pubescent. These are glabrous. So, flowers would give more proof, but none is needed. -E
Yes, the bark is different, and Oridono nishiki (for which Orido nishiki is a synonym!) often has more solid pink leaves. Or so they say. I sure agree graveyards are one of the best places to see maples. Adele's uncle (sadly passed as well) was a trustee at the Mt Auburn Cemetery in Boston, he gave me a copy of their complete tree list and planning. A couple of years later, the MSNA visited! We used to go all of the time, during our youth in Boston, spectacular trees and monuments. Cheers, -E
Spring is really coming along fast now, but I have many that are still not leafing out. Perhaps the forecast of sunshine these next few days will hurry things along. For now, here are a few that have leafed out today in my garden. Orangeola Skeeters Broom Iijima sunago Red Feather Dr Brown Jordan Orange Lace Ukigumo Peaches and cream
Murakumo, unknown seed grown with Koto ito komachi: Wou nishiki, Okushimo with Wou nishiki behind: Some seedlings that need repotting and First Ghost: Manyo no sato, Olsen's Frosted Strawberry just opening with a seed grown maple: Red Filigree Lace, hard to get the camera to focus where you want!
Really lovely pics Derek, your maples are always impeccable. I have a pretty lousy Ukigumo, whenever I see yours I'm tempted to get another one. (Mine was poorly sourced). And, Jordan is always so spectacular this time of year, I'm about to post a pic of ours, now a little behind where you are, pretty newly out. But first, can you tell me about Orange Lace (PBR), which seems to be the TM name for 'Sonkoot9' from what I can find on the interweb. Presumably selected by, or at least propagated by, Van Son & Koot, which also explains why it seems to be available at some Big Box type of outlets. Crocus (, a reputable dealer, has some very pretty pictures where it is /very/ orange. They say it's grafted, which is of course not exactly what Van Son & Koot are famous for, lol. If they were able to find a good green dissectum that rooted well using their process, that alone would be a good reason for the PBR and name (of course, it hasn't been registered). We don't have it in the DB, I will of course add, thanks to you. But what can you tell me? What's your source? Is it grafted? Is it really orange in summer? Do you have (or can you get) any more information, e.g. the year of introduction or the name of the parent from which it was a seedling or sport, or even the person who spotted it? I understand you may not have all the info, or even any, but every little bit helps. (And can always be added later, BTW!) Cheers, -E
@maf that's why people (who can afford it) spend that 2-3k on full reflex cameras. I just keep hoping phones get better, haha. Your pictures are fantastic though. Here's a batch starting from the 7th. About them I'll just say, I have long coveted A. douglasii (or A. glabrum subsp. douglasii, honestly a better name IMO), and am happy to finally have a good one. The rainbow has maples in it, but is not why I took the picture. The "oliverianum" is a wild collection from Thailand. Most of the time oliverianum doesn't have purple undersides, so... it's interesting. Speaking of oliverianum, is Nakahara beni really worth being a cultivar? I saw a picture of one that was orange, I wonder if it was the same clone. Flavescens looking quite yellow. -ish. A few more that didn't fit in "the 20" to follow. -E
Yet another x pauciflorum variation. Wild collected spicatum, an under-rated maple, but one that doesn't like sun. Different leaf development of A. pictum ssp mono. 'Leiden': should it be under A. davidii? Hardÿ has it as davidii subsp. grosseri. No one gives sources. I don't see anything grosseri-like about it, but... Mormoiro koyasan is ridiculously flamboyant in spring.
Hi Emery yes it is grafted and it came from Crocus UK. It is a new one for me, so I don't have any other details than what you have read online. I became interested in this one to try after seeing Xi lovely specimen last year. Parent was Orange Dream. It seems that 2023 was when it was first seen at nurseries etc etc. So at this time I cannot say how this cultivar will turn out colour wise, but will update the thread throughout 2024.
Here are a few photos of my Orange Lace..and the card that came with it..I picked mine up from a nursery..shows a photo of it grown out. On the back of the card it refers to it deriving from Garnet!!!! no mention of Orange Dream! It’s a pretty one for sure.
Garnet makes a lot more sense than orange dream. I just remember Xi saying this last year. Haven't seen her on the forum for quite a while so can't ask where she got that info from.
The sun is out and my maples are getting their leaves. Volcano Small Milligan Small Kinshi Isobel changing colour already (only small atm)
Thanks R, and yes Volcano is turning out to be rather special. Only had it a year and it's becoming a favourite. Thoroughly recommended....