Hi All, I own a corner lot home in Huntington Beach, California. I live about 3.5 miles from the beach. I am wanting to plant a tree as the center piece of my newly landscaped yard. Since the tree is right out on the corner, I want something about 15-25 feet high...eventually, with a lot of color, so I will have that wow factor. I am really wanting a Bloodgood (Japanese) Maple because of the bright red/orange coloring at certain times during the year and the overall height and shape. I believe I am zone 10. I've read a lot about them and it seems one would do ok here, but they seem to do better in 6-9. My question is...Does anyone have any insight on how one would do or look in this situation? It would get full sun. Also...even though it doesn't happen all the time, we do get the occasional Santa Ana winds...although they aren't nearly as bad as inland California. If this is not a good choice, Can anyone suggest a great looking, colorful tree that will only get about 20-25 ft high? Thanks Everyone.
i suggest Acer campestre (field maple) for USDA 10 japanese maple is a bad idea.. if you is interesting to purple leaves choise cultivar Royal ruby
If you are 3.5 miles from the beach you are borderline between (Sunset) zones 24 and 22. In both cases you are within the range for A.palmatum as given by Sunset. Main drawback for you will be the Fall colors which will probably not be very good (forget the red-oranges). I agree that, except when the Santa Ana winds blow, full sun exposure should be OK in your area. The hot winds may cause sunburn in the leaves which will not look very nice for the remainder of the season. In fact we have had in the past some forum participants who lived in L.A. inland and were able to grow them OK. Look around in this forum for discussions on the best choices for full sun, 'Boodgood' has become a name used in the trade for just about any red-leaved A. palmatum so there is a lot of variability out there. There are other cultivars with good color and sun tolerance. My advice is to either buy or select your tree (preferably from a local supplier) when it is fully leafed out so you can see what you get. Gomero
Perhaps consider Pistacia chinensis 'Keith Davey'. The wow factor seems to be assured and the size is about right as well. Discussed in this thread