I've noticed 2 patches of a clear gell-like subtance on my Maple tree. They appear to be oozing out from the bark and are approximately 1 x 2 square inches in size. It is easily wiped off but is very slowly replaced. I'm not certain how old the tree is but it is approximately 40 feet high. Does anyone know what this stuff is or caused by? Thanks.
I had a similar experience with two Yoshino cherry trees. It turns out it was borers, which I didn't figure out or treat (with a Bayer systemic product) until the fall. This spring one tree didn't leaf out; when I pulled it up, one whole side of the root ball was basically missing. The second tree leafed out but is looking very dicey now and I believe it's on its way downhill. If you can determine this is your problem, I recommend not waiting to address it, as I did!
I got it at either Home Depot or Lowes. I forget the name; just check out the labels and look for something for borers. Good luck!