Hi there, I'm hoping someone could shed some light and help me understand what to do with the tree. I have a maple tree in my small backyard in UBC student housing. It is now 1.5 stories high and the leaves are all covered in white mold. It started last year and I read that it was 'normal' and I should remove fallen leaves in autumn so that new leaves that arrives in spring would be free of the mold. Well, spring came and went and now instead of the red leaves (I don't know what kind of maple it is...), it has brownish, white-ish leaves. I trimmed low lying branches and prune some leaves to reduce the denseness. A few new leaves that are sprouting are nice burgundy red but I see that the white is starting to set in. I don't know what I can do to help the tree. It wasn't planted by me but I appreciate it and I hope that it doesn't have to be chopped. Please advise and I welcome anyone who wants to help treat the tree. Thanks.
The more common issue would be powdery mildew. Warm, moist weather with high humidity, lack of air movement, and shade can contribute to an outbreak. This is the time of year powdery mildew becomes very apparent. As David Payne Terra Nova mentioned, it's best to have a picture, otherwise I am just guessing with the most common diagnosis based on the symptoms described. Here is a picture of powdery mildew: http://pnwhandbooks.org/plantdisease/maple-acer-sp-powdery-mildew
Hi, here are the pictures. The tree is in the morning sun but by noon, it starts to be in the shade. I hope it is something I can easily help the tree with. Is powdery mildew harmful to humans? Please click on the picture to magnify. Thanks.