hi i have this maple tree that a friend of mine gave me , and i've been growing it inside for somtime it was doing pretty well , it had leafs growing alot actually the plant isnt very big , but i was just wondering when would be a good time to plant it outside and will it do well if i transplant it anytime soon ? and is it ok to grow them in a pot inside when they are still small ?
It won't live inside for long, whatever size it is. It NEEDS to be outside for life, in the cold, the wind, the snow, etc. I suggest you put it outside during the day for 3-5 days now, then plant it (not deeper than the soil line now in the pot) outside in filtered sun (getting light filtered through a not TOO bushy shrub or other tree) and then leave it outside for good. Water when you plant, and every day - lightly - til the ground freezes.