Hi All: These photos represent what used to be a truly beautifu Maple tree. Unfortunately the tree sat in standing water for about three months being freed from its watery fate about one month ago. As you can see there is no spring foliage. Is it likely the tree is dead? Could it be dormant due to the trauma and potentially come back next year or is that just a dream? If the tree is dead how difficult is it to remove a root ball from a small planter which happens to be built over a concrete underground parkade? Feedback appreciated
You could try to scratch the bark to see if there's any green underneath. But I'm afraid this one is dead, Japanese maples like free-draining soil...
Hi CMB, I totally agree with everything AlainK has said. What a shame it looked a lovely tree. As far as removing the rootball is concerned, you may need an arborist to give you advice on that one due to the car park underneath.
yes it was a beautiful specimen and it will be sorely missed. Thank you both for your feedback, it is much appreciated though sadly received