Maple Society OSI: Introducing Paper Links

Discussion in 'Maples' started by emery, Apr 13, 2019.

  1. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France

    Part of the original Open Science Initiative concept was to maintain a listing of Maple-related papers that are available as open science on the vast interweb. There are lots, so I've started with a few and hope folks will both contribute links and that I'll have time to put more up. The existing links are from various sources including one I snitched from our own @JT1 and found very interesting.

    Most are scientific papers of interest to botanists, but there are things there for the gardener as well. For example "FLOOD-TOLERANCE RANKING OF RED AND FREEMAN MAPLE CULTIVARS" would have shown me not to plant A. rubrum 'Karpick' where I did, and it subsequently died.
    Here's the direct link to the Paper Links page:

    Open Science Paper Links | The Maple Society

    Please send me any papers about maples!

    JT1 likes this.

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