I took a chance on this tree and bought the tree before it leafed out. I label said shigitatsu sawa. After it leafed out the tree did not resemble what i thought it was. Now I am thinking the tree is a bloodgood. Does any one have suggestions? The second tree I bought last year and it was labeled Red Pygmy. The only time it is Red is during new growth periods. What do you think?
I bought this tree from a local nursery. The tree label was shigitsusawa. This is not the right tree. It is a beautiful tree and has a great shape to it. Does anyone know this cultivar. If so, I would be grateful for the help. If not I will enjoy the tree anyway. Also the nursery gave me credit on the tree and let me keep the mislabeled tree.
I have been trying to find out the name of this cultiver. Beautiful tree! If any one has an idea of what tree this is please help. Thanks for the help Mike