I started a mango tree a month or so ago from seed. I was just curious how long it would take to porduce fruit if it ever would and if anyone has EVER actually grown fruit from seed. Also, will the fruit quality be good enough to eat? Thanks, Tim
Hi Tim, interesting question. It would be good to know where you are located. I think it will be difficult to get fruit if you are not in a tropical climate. I don't know much about mangoes. Here are a couple of good links: http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/extension/homefruit/mango/mango.html http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/mango.html The Texas A&M site states that they bear 3 years after establishment. Would love to hear the personal experiences of readers growing mangoes.
Plenty of people (millions, probably, over the centuries!) have done so in tropical southeastern Asia! Doing so in a pot indoors in temperate zones is a lot less feasible, unless you have a HUGE heated greenhouse. Bear in mind that the Mango is a large tree, growing to 30-40m tall; it won't start fruiting until it is a decent size and age (maybe 10-15 years old and 5-6m tall*). It'll need to be kept above a minimum of about 10°C for the winter. * Note that the 3 years cited by the Texas A&M site refers to grafted plants, not seedlings