Hey All, New to the forums and I have a question or two. I have a small mango tree and from all the research I've done these trees seem to grow straight up and fail to branch out without messing with them a bit. Now my tree is only about 1 foot tall and has two sets of leaves but i was wondering if there was a way to help it grow more branches, instead of having a single branch straight up. Thanks, Mangoman
I also have a few mango sprouts, tallest one is probably about 8 inches, and just recently put on 4 new shoots, it now has 5, with the original one being the leader.* I am not sure if that is because i might have accedentally topped it or what, i went on a week long trip and came back to the new branches.* I am going to let them grow out quite a bit, but before they become to hard to move, and with bush it out more.* It isn't one of the Manila mango seeds, so i might just let it grow how it is, although i hope on keeping it till i have my own house and will be able to plant it out.* Till then i supose i will train it for size and shape.* If you can find Manila mangoes, they are solid yellow and slightly smaller than the normal ones at the supermarket, they are very tasty, and do good as a container plant.* http://www.tropicalfruitnursery.com/mango-viewer/index.htm That is a good site about identifying different mango species, but the Manila Mango i refer to is closely related to the Mallika Mango on that web site, im not for sure, but they both look very similar.* I have a few of those sprouted, and waiting for them to size up before i mess with them any, i may try and top a few, to see if i can get multiple trunks, because with large seeds, there is (i believe) a large food reserve, giving it time to be messed with before the basic tree structure is aquired.* I would like a few multiple trunk mango tree's :) Alot of mine have retarded leaves, because the seed was slightly broken before planting. I hope they fix themselves as i wouldn't keep them to long if they dont.
What do you mean by "top" the plant? Does that mean you stop the newest set of leaves from growing so it's in a sense forced to branch out?
yeah, i havn't actually done it, i might do it sometime soon on one of the worst looking mangos i have, but pretty much what you do is take snip right above a node, which is where the leaf meets the stem. This should force it to put on two tops, and technically you should be able to double each top whenever you want, just by clipping the newest growth. I will let you know what happens, (i just wen out and topped two).
Its been a while, and i have one that had 2 and another with screwed up leaves with 5, it kinda sucks cause they bunched up, but im spreading them out at the moment, and might clip some of them, idk yet.