i have a mango tree that my boyfriend just brought to the house. we replanted it, but are having some trouble. i was told the tree is about 4 years old. we are not sure how much to water it, and the leaves are browning, drying up and falling off. the new growth also seems to only grow a little then dries up and eventually i can just pick it off. if anyone can shed some light on basic mango care i would be very greatful!
I doubt that a mango will grow where you are. I live in North Central Florida and they won't grow here. Mango is a sub-tropical to tropical fruit tree and I don't think WY is a place for it. Good luck though... spe1793
If I were living in Pinedale, an indoor mango might be fun to come home to. Basically, mangos are from the environs of India and Thailand. They grow very well around the Caribbean and in southern Florida. http://www.tropicalfruitnursery.com/mango-viewer/index.htm http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=22827 Mangos thrive on heat and humidity in the summer and dry weather in the winter. So I wonder whether your little one is getting too much water, perhaps coupled with too little humidity?
How much bigger is the new pot to the old one? I have a meyer lemon and Calamondin orange, both are where it's cool, otherwise, the leaves will brown or yellow and drop like crazy.