My husband and I have a Majesty Palm that is on our back patio we keep it watered and never let the soil get dry, but some of the prongs have started turning brown. Is there a specific way for pruning this type of palm or is it just simply pruning the prong off of the branch? We were mainly wondering if it should be done on an angle or straight across.
Are you refering to the leaflets on the frond (not sure what "prong" is in your post) or where to cut the entire frond? Just so we're on the same page here, a frond is the entire section of leaf, from the trunk outward. In this case a pinnate leaf form where leaflets are conected to a rachis (mid-rib). Cheers, LPN.
I am referring to the individual leaves are connected to the rib of the frond. The end leaves are turning brown.
This process of the leaf tips browning is a natural one, as new growth comes on. You could clip these back I suppose if you wanted to. It's a personal choice. Look into some suitable fertilizer and keep an eye out for spider mites, especially if the palm is overwintered indoors. Cheers, LPN.
It isn't indoors at all, it is on our back -screened in- porch beside the jacuzzi tub. I was also wondering (though my husband doesn't think this would be why) that if it could be the chlorine from the steam on the jacuzzi that could be turning them brown. Some of the leaves lean over the tub itself.
I'm not a horticulturist, but I can tell you that having any plant come in contact with chlorine will kill or damage it. Being next to the tub you have splashing that my get into the soil. Try using some protection or move the plant back.