The following was received via email: I have a question about a Majesty Palm that I currently have indoors. I had it both inside & outside during the summer months. It's about 5' tall. I live in Manteca, CA. I am going to repot it to a slightly larger container and was wondering what tempetures it can take? I'd like to move it outside to either a courtyard protected on 3 1/2 sides but with an open top or a covered patio. Which would be better for the plant? Or should I leave it inside? Thank you. Linda
Hey Linda! Your majesty palm can take temps down to about 27 degrees so you should be just fine taking it outside.
I'm going to try my Majesty palms outdoors this winter. I'll protect it as best I can; but it gets as cold as 20 degrees here in North Florida. I hope they survive! Does anyone have any advice on how to best protect them during the freeze warnings?
Palmar, Here's a few ideas for overwintering your majesties. Try using a thick layer of mulch and/or straw around the base of the plant, and wrap the trunk with christmas lights or rope lights. On the coldest nights, use a burlap sack or some type of lightweight cover just for the few coldest hours of the night. These should work. Good luck! -palmboy
Dear Palmboy, Thanks for the tip! But do you want me to turn the lights on? I didn't get that part. Palmar