I have noticed that my Majesty palm tree has not been doing very well lately, but the odd part is that it is dying one frond at a time: As in the palm is fine one day, one frond slowly turns brown/yellow while the other fronds are more than pefect, then when the dying frond is nearly completely dead and when I snip it off, another one does the same thing while the remaining palm fronds are more than perfect. Any ideas on what I can do to stop this die-off altogether? It just seems wierd that the palm would die on such a perfect cycle such as this one, and I have tried every thing from starving the palm of water for several days to watering the palm 2 gallons a day and cutting off an entire frond at a time. I am really nervous as I am going backpacking for a week starting this Sunday, and I just came home from a week camping to find an entire frond dead-mainly because I am constantly trimming the palm tree, misting it, and moving it alot to prevent further die off, but while I was gone my tropical plants were moved and over-watered, so I think I need to make a maintenance schedule for my tropical plants. I can't seem to find a good place for the palm. It was thriving in my bedroom until I moved it into my dining room, and now it has been dieing ever since no matter where I move it.
I hate to say this but, Majesty palms don't make good indoor plants, even though they are sold as such. These plants should never be sold as an indoor palms! You are not alone in trying to keep this one healthy indoors. It's not you, it's the palm! All you can do is give it plenty of light and water and hope for the best, it can be done, but they can be hard to keep. If you like non fussy happy indoor palms, you might like to try your hand at a Kentia, Areca or, Chamaedorea elegans (parlor palm) and I'm sure there are a few more that would do just as well.
Pop it outside in 1/2 sun before you reply, then reply and let us know where you are on the 'West Coast' so we can give you a better idea of what you're facing...
I currently have it on my patio, where it is getting a decent amount of sunlight. Whenever I water the palm more than about a half gallon a week, it starts yellowing like crazy... and I thought palms loved water... I am living in Oregon, which seems like a terrible place to grow tropical plants in, but the only cause of visible die off in my out door tropicals is when they are overwatered. The majesty palm's die off is mysterious.
The Majesty especially should love the sun and water... Might be a prob with your soil, pot, or fertilising, or it could be an infection.
There are some small bugs at the bottom of the pot, but it doesn't seem like they're are doing any harm compared to the centipede problem, in which I had to take the palm out of the pot, throw out all the soil, and wash the bottom of the palm just to get rid of the centipedes. The trunk of the majesty palm seems damages, and some spots are purplish. The good news is that the palm seems to be healing now, after I stopped all those centipedes. The potting soil I am using seems to stay damp for a long time after I water it, and it contains many styrofoam bits to help keep the soil damp. A little off topic, but where else would I post this?: Lol, after I had to flood out the coconut's pot to get rid of all the bugs in it, I realized that the coconut would not thrive in mud. So for now, the coconut is sharing a pot with the majesty palm, where it seems to be doing okay. Recently, I noticed that the coconut sprout seemed to have shriveled up in the sun, which doesn't make any sense just thinking of where coconuts usually grow. The good news is that two more of the flaps on the coconut are lifting up.