I have a 6 ft. Majestic Palm in a 24" pot that has been doing quite well in indirect light, indoors, for about 9 months. Just recently the plant has started experiencing die-back of the foliage from the tips of the fronds inward, in a rather random manor. I have noticed small, brown spots on the main stems of the fronds and heavily on the new growth spears. These spots wipe off and are granular, or sandy in nature. Additionally I have noticed a shiny patina on some of the foliage. Does anybody have a suggestion of what this might be, and what a potential cure may be? Thanks in advance.
Hi DKM, Unfortunately majesty palms are not good houseplants. The major pest is spider mites. Put a piece of white paper under the fronds and tap the frond. You should see the tiny specs drop off onto the paper. Also look for any webs. Neem oil will help take care of those. You mention some of the fronds are shiny. Is the shiny area a bit sticky? If so, that leads me to think of aphids or scale. Their honeydo is clear. http://www.plant-care.com/houseplant-sticky-leaves.html Here's some info on growing majesty palms. http://www.plant-care.com/majesty-palm.html http://mgonline.com/majestypalm.html Newt
Thanks for the info Newt. Think it is scale, and have treated accordingly. What would be good alternatives to this plant, that would still offer the splayed palm look that the majestic provides?
You are so very welcome! For an alternative with a similar look I like: Kentia palm - Howea forsterana http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/interiorscape/Howea_forsterana.html http://www.valentine.gr/kentia_en.htm http://www.evergrowing.com/HousePlantTV/kentiapalm.htm http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&hl=en&q=Howea+forsterana&btnG=Search Areca palm - Chrysalidocarpus lutescens http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/interiorscape/Chrysalidocarpus_lutescens.html http://www.evergrowing.com/HousePlantTV/arecapalm.htm http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&hl=en&q=Chrysalidocarpus+lutescens&btnG=Search In that order. Newt