On Monday evening, February 15, 2010, North Vancouver District Council will be considering the destruction of a unique Maidenhair Fern Grotto in Capilano Regional Park, just south of Hwy 1 on the east side of the Capilano River. They are planning to fill in the entire site in order to widen Capilano Road. In the opinion of biologists who have visited this site, it is the largest / richest population of Maidenhair fern they have seen. There is also a beautiful display of giant liverwort (Conocephalum conicum) climbing up the wall, and a number of beautiful mosses including two blue listed species. This grotto existence and lushness are due to a combination of geological features, including the sandstone aquifer, providing the moisture. I've visited it recently, a lovely spot, very sort of Hawaiian in vibe. If they consider the proposed alternatives, this site could become an attraction for naturalists and visitors. If you live in this area, and especially if you are a resident of North Vancouver, please consider attending Monday's meeting, visiting the Fern Grotto, making your opinion known to the powers that be, particularly North Van District and GVRD Parks. I've heard that some are planning to justify burying this grotto by arguing that the whole site can be somehow moved to a different location. This is an unfortunately familiar argument made by people who either know little about plant biology, or who are confident that the public knows or cares little about plants. frog
Not sure what occurred last night, but I'm guessing it wasn't positive. Nature Vancouver has a field trip to the site this upcoming Saturday, suggesting: