I am desperately seeking help. I was having a tree cut down and the cutter misjudged and injured my 60 year old magnolia tree and it had to be cut down. I live in south Louisiana and am looking for a mature tree to replace it. Preferably something fast growing that provides a pretty canopy of shade. Also, does anyone have any idea how I can find out how much this mistake is worth? I want my beloved tree back but obviously can't have that. I appreciate any help or suggestions that you can give me.
Consulting arborist can place monetary value on destroyed tree - for a fee. Another southern magnolia - presumably the species it was - would be most like one lost. A very popular tree, large specimens often on the market where it can be grown comparatively easily. Purchase price, transportation and installation cost all add up, of course. Depends on how much you have to spend on this and how important it is to start again with another big one.
Thanks Ron. The tree cutter was also an arborist and has offered to replace the tree. That is why I am trying to find out the best route to take. Thank you for your response.
your tree cutter was not much of an arborist if they destroyed another tree well felling one. A 60 year old Magnolia would be worth thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars. A replacement tree is not enough. Make them pay for the loss. Ask them if they know about tree valuation and the cost of cure.
Thank you for your reply. I am now waiting on a reply from LSU Agricultural division who is researching this for me. I never realized how difficult it would be to determine the value of a tree.
It is realatively simple to decide the value of the tree. If you are serious about recovering the value of the tree look for a registered consulting arborist on the ASCA (American Society of Consulting Arborists) website. Hire a RCA and sue.