Magnolia tree ID

Discussion in 'Magnoliaceae' started by Ota, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. Ota

    Ota Member

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    Czech Republic
    Can somebody help me in identifying this Magnolia?
    It's a tree of about 10 m with inconspicuous white-green flowers hidden in leaves.
    It looks somewhat like M. acuminata but the leaves are smaller. Flowers and especially fruits are differents too.
    For now I have only that photo from the end of may ...
    Any idea?

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Only M. acuminata has erect green flowers. Shape of flowers and leaves looks like those of M. acuminata subcordata (syn. M. cordata), perhaps it is one of those, just with more green on the flowers than usual - other M. acuminata forms not belonging to M. acuminata subcordata do occur with either mostly green and or mostly yellow flowers, some of the latter having been distinguished as var. aurea at one point.
  3. Ota

    Ota Member

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    Czech Republic
    Hello Rob,
    thank you very much. It's truly interesting what you write. It seems you are right.
    I was almost certain that it's something other than M. acuminata ...
    We have M. acuminata (if it is acuminata:-) close to this tree and it looks slightly different.
    Flowers, leaves and fruits are more than 2x smaller. Fruits have only some seeds (about 2-5) ... for comparision a photo of the fruit from our M. acuminata.
    I can make some pictures of both trees during this weekend.

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