Hi, I live in Greece and planted a Magnolia Stellata 3 years ago. She has bloomed every spring, but then the trouble starts - her new leaves seem to suffer from chlorosis. I have given her Sequestren, but to no avail. THe tips of the leaves are brown, brittle and dry - magnesium deficency? Have fertilized with Complesal Supra - 2% Mg and Miller foliar 20-20-20 as well as with a liquid plant feed for flowering shrubs. Of course not all together, but over the course of this years growing season. The shrub is now almost bare with an abundance of buds. What could be going wrong year after year? Clay soil mulched with humus and peat added last year. Afternoon sun.
What is Sequestren? You cannot medicate without diagnosis, if you feel it is a mineral issue you need to have a soil test done, that will show you what may be lacking or in excess.
Sequestren is chelated iron and a brand name. No soil test kits here available and testing through the ministry of agriculture very expensive (25 Euro per reactant). Medication and fertilazation has been done on advise from so called geoponous - educated in horti and agriculture.