Hello! I am brand new to this tree pruning. Two years ago, i bought my parents a little magnolia tree to replace another type of shrub. The tree took very well and is growning healthy. We wrap it for the winter leaving the top of the wrap open so that the snow will fill it in. It has made it through two winters. As for pruning it, well, i have no idea and was told to check on here. Do you prune it in the fall or the spring? It stands almost six feet tall now. What a beautiful tree it is too! If anybody knows how to prune, please help me with this one! Thanx for your time! Louise
does it need pruning? if so I try to reserve the time right after blooning (late Spring / early Summer). Pruning now will reduce the flowers that may have set allready for next year.
Magnolias are rarely improved by pruning & usually look worse for it. If you're trying to make a tree of it, prune appropriately (just after flowering). If a large shrub is your goal, leave it alone. Other than that, no pruning required. If you live in the city, wraping it in the winter is not needed. The large ones at the Dominion arboretum (by the experimental farm) don't receive any winter attention. Simon