The person whose yard this was in said it was a Japanese Magnolia. I couldn't find a plant by that name. Googling I decided it was a Magnolia liliiflora but an plant expert I know said it was a Magnolia soulangeana. Which is right?
I think you're being a little impatient in bumping this after one day, considering that it's the weekend. And it seems we don't have a lot of magnolia experts, and I'm not one. But seeing a photo of the whole tree would be some help to others, and fruits and leaves. Magnolia liliiflora is one of the parents of M. x soulangeana, so it's probably not that easy to tell from just seeing a flower without seeing flowers in relation to the rest of the tree. Wikipedia calls M. liliiflora a shrub, occasionally a small tree to 4m. And the flowers are smaller and I remember petals being narrower, but your photos show one flower with narrow petals and one with more rounded petals, so never mind that. Do you know how old the tree is? Small but young won't say much, but small but old would.
I apologize. Everyone here has been so gracious to me I'm sorry if I offended. It's not a tree. It's a spindly stemmed shrub. I believe it's about 2 years old grown from a small plant. This poorer image is the only one I have that shows a wider view of the plant.